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Showing posts from October, 2009

Does surfing the web help your brain?

I ran across this online article discussing whether surfing the web helps aging brains. While reading stimulated the same areas of the brain in both groups, those who regularly searched the Internet showed twice the increase in brain activity when performing the new Internet search than their counterparts, especially in the areas of the brain that control decision making and complex reasoning. “The study results are encouraging, that emerging computerized technologies may have physiological effects and potential benefits for middle-aged and older adults,” says principal investigator Gary Small, a professor at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA and director of the campus’ Memory and Aging Research Center. “Our most striking finding was that Internet searching appears to engage a greater extent of neural circuitry that is not activated during reading -- but only in those with prior Internet experience.” I thought these results were quite intriguing, esp...

Does drinking water improve brain power?

Passing along this blog post about a new study suggesting an association between drinking water and an increase in performance in elementary school kids. Caroline Edmonds and Ben Jeffes of the University of East London examined whether drinking water improves performance in 6 to 7 year old children. The differences between the water and no water groups were significant, according to a paper that's been accepted for publication in the journal Appetite. They found that "even under conditions of mild dehydration, not as a result of exercise, intentional water deprivation or heat exposure" their test subjects' "cognitive performance can be improved by having a drink of water." I would offer caution about extrapolating this into an endorsement for drinking mega amounts of water. Please don't! But I think it makes sense to see this as reminder to be mindful of your body and to be aware when you are mildly dehydrated.

The Mediterranean Diet: Lower Depression Risk?

NY Times on new research findings supporting an association with lower depression and being on the Mediterranean diet: A study of over 10,000 Spaniards followed for almost four and half years on average found that those who reported eating a healthy Mediterranean diet at the beginning of the study were about half as likely to develop depression than those who said they did not stick to the diet. While a correlation is not the same as cause and effect, this is still something to keep in mind for those of us who are interested in staying healthy, both physically and mentally.

What Do You Do To Relieve Stress?

Dr. James Gordon, a psychiatrist writing in the Washington Post, offers his tips on relieving stress. He includes the following six strategies: 1. Begin a simple meditation practice. 2. Move your body. 3. Reach out to others. 4. Find someone who will listen and give you a realistic look at your situation. 5. Let your imagination find you healing and new meaning and purpose. 6. Speak and act on your behalf. I think these ways of relieving stress and others are also ways of being resilient in your life. These are not necessarily easy to incorporate in our lives else we would all not be stressed. Still I think it is important to be mindful of how we move through our days.

10 Tips to Help Build Resiliency in Kids

Here's a quick guide to help build resiliency in kids, put out by the American Psychological Association. I find that each tip encompasses a major life skill, important to gain for anyone, even grownups. In short, APA lists these: 1. Make connections. 2. Help your child by helping others. 3. Maintain a routine. 4. Take a break. 5. Teach your child self-care. 6. Move toward your goals. 7. Nurture a positive self-view. 8. Keep things in perspective and maintain a hopeful outlook. 9. Look for opportunities in self-discovery. 10. Accept that change is part of living. Be sure to check out their page for more information.

What helps kids to learn? Resiliency may be one factor

New research results suggest that resilient kids learn better , according to Martin Seligman. Embed lessons on optimism, assertiveness and flexibility into class instruction and you'll improve a child's outlook on life, curb his likelihood for depression and boost his grades, according to new research presented at APA's Annual Convention by University of Pennsylvania psychologist Martin E.P. Seligman, PhD