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Showing posts from July, 2013

Hey, it's July, and it's National Minority Mental Health Awareness month

NAMI is the go-to source for events around the nation, even inspiring a Soul Train line in honor of Don Cornelius. Wish I could find a Youtube video for that one. The final count was 352 dancers, all of whom busted a move to popular hits of the’70s and ’80s. There was a serious side to the event as well. July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, and in memory of Cornelius’ death in February, due to suicide, renowned author Terrie Williams addressed the visibly anxious crowd prior to the record-breaking attempt. “In a few words, we are dying.” she said. “We keep it all inside, it’s the silence that is killing us.” After her brief remarks, the mood quickly turned festive as the audience lined up for the soul train. People of all ages and races moved down the line as the producer of the original Soul Train program, Aida Chapman Ayala, started the festivities. Though there was no representative on hand from the Guinness World Book of Records, protocol dictates t...