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Showing posts from April, 2004
New Alzheimer's data Annals of Internal Medicine just came out with a study , as summarized here: The study, published in the April 6 issue of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, included these key findings: • People newly diagnosed with AD survived about half as long as those of similar age in the United States. For instance, median survival was 8 years for women aged 70 diagnosed with AD, compared to 15.7 years for similarly aged American women who do not have the disease. Similar trends were found among 70-year-old men with AD. They had a median survival time of 4.4 years compared with 9.3 years for men without the disease in the U.S. population. • Women with AD tended to live longer than men, surviving an average of 6 years compared to men — who lived for an average of about 4 years after diagnosis. But this gender gap narrowed with age. • Age at diagnosis was also a factor. Those who were diagnosed with AD in their 70s had longer survival times than those diagnosed at ag...